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The branching tubes within the lungs end at small alveoli.

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Q: The branching tubes within the lungs end at small?
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What small tubes within your lungs?


Is oxygen exchanged for carbon dioxide?

Yes, in the Lungs at the base of the multi-branching tracheal tubes within the Alveoli.

What are the small tubes within the the lungs that transport air to the alveoli?


What are the tiniest tubes in the lung called?

They are called the bronchiThe smallest [air] tubes in the lungs are the broncioles they terminate the larger bronchi.Inside your lungs the two bronchi tubes divide into small bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes then divide into bronchioles, which are even smaller air passages. Tiny air sacs, called alveoli, are on the ends of the bronchioles.The small tubes located within the lungs are known as the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes function is to purify the air that is going into the lungs, when the bronchial tubes become inflamed and swell, Asthma attacks can occur.

Why air tubes in lungs branch again and again?

Because branching into smaller and smaller tubes increases the surface area that the lings have to enable them to absorb oxygen.

What are the lots of small tubes inside are lungs?


What are the bronchials?

The bronchial tubes (or bronchi) are the large tubular structures within the lungs. These carry air into the lungs from the trachea. They branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles, and then to the smallest tubes that contain the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs.

What are the branching tubes called?


What are the two branching tubes called?


What are the two air tubes that branch off the trachea and carry air diectly to the lungs?

The two branching tubes in the respiratory system are the bronchi. They are branches of the trachea.

What 2 tubes connect to the lungs?

The bronchial tubes connect the trachea and the lungs. Air moves through these tubes into and out of the lungs.

What are the branching tubes from the trachea called?

The Primary Bronchi.