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Nannie Keeling

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Q: The branchlike structures the receive messages from other neurons are called?
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What are the small branchlike structures of the neuron that receive signals from receptors or other resources?


Muscles receive messages from?

motor neurons.

What neurons receive messages about what is happening inside and outside the body?

efferent and afferent neurons

The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information signals from other neurons is called?

Dendrites are the part of a neuron which receives chemical messages (neurotransmitters) through synapses.Mostly the dendrites receive messages from other neurons, but the cell bodies of neurons also receive direct synaptic inputs from other cells.

What is the cell in muscles that receives messages from motor neurons?

There is a special cell in our body that is part of the nervous system. It receives messages in the muscles sent from the motor neurons in our brain. These cells are called effectors.

How neurons send messages?

The messages are carried by chemical messenger across the neurons (synapses). It is actually an enzyme which is released from one end of the synapse and which triggers the electrical message to pass through each cell from side to side.

Do axons receive impulses toward the body cells?

No, axons transmit impulses away from the body cells. Dendrites receive impulses from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body, and then the axon carries the impulse away from the cell body to other neurons or to muscles or glands.

What cells in your body send and receive messages?

The basic cells that the body uses for rapid communication and control are neurons. The cells that carry signals to muscles and glands are the motor neurons.

In what ways are neurons similar to cell and different?

cells are the building blocks of life, neurons are specific cells that send and receive motor messages that tell us to do simple things like walk, or blink

How many functions of neurons in the nervous system?

Neurons are pathways for electrical messages to pass through. Their main function is to pass a message from one neuron to another. As a whole, they transmit these messages between a receptor (something that picks up a stimulus. A stimulus includes things such as temperature, pressure, pain etc.), the brain and an effector (something which carries out the response to the stimulus). There are three main types of neurons: Sensory neurons - receive message from receptor and transmit it to the -> Interneurons - receive message from sensory neurons and pass it on to the brain*. The brain responds and the interneurons pass the message on to the -> Motor neurons - receive message from interneurons and pass it on to an effector. *In the case of a reflex arc, where there is an unconscious response (e.g. touching a hot object) the message will bypass the brain and go straight from receptor to sensory to interneuron to motor to effector.

How your brain and sensory organs get information from the outside world?

Your brain has about 100 billion neurons, all of which are interneurons. Each of these neurons may receive up to 10,000 messages from other neurons and may send messages to about 1,000 more. Every day, billions of nerve impulses travel through your nervous system from neuron to other neurons or body structures. The place where a neuron transfers an impulse to another structure is called a synapse. At the axon tips, electrical signals carried through the neuron change into a chemical form. This change allows the message to cross the gap. The message then continues in electrical from through the next neuron.

Why is a backboneimportant?

it keeps you standing, and it holds your spinal cord. Neurons are sent through the spinal cord to send and receive messages from the brain. That is part of your nervous system.