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Q: The british ship that attacked an American ship off the cost of Virginia was the?
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What was the colonial reaction to the hat act?

The Hat Act of 1732 forbade the export of beaver felt hats made in the American colonies. They were competing with British hat makers. American hat makers were angered over the Act. Americans were forced to purchase British made hats and other products which increased the cost to the consumer over the cost of colonial made products. This was just another Act by Parliament that was one of the many causes leading to the American Revolution. Wikipedia has an article dealing with the Hat Act.

How much does a colonial wig cost?

they cost 10 british pounds for each wig you want to buy

What nice thins did the colonists do for the Native Americans?

To place the question and answer in proper perspective, it came down as just the reverse. Better said was what did the Jamestown colonists do to the Native American Tribes. With that said, the following narrative attempts to answer the question keeping in mind space considerations. In the early 1600's English colonists established a settlement called Jamestown on the coast of Virginia. The date the colony was founded was 1607. It was the first successful British colony in North America. One of the sponsors of the colony was the London Company. In the beginning, the Native Americans that the British governor of Jamestown, Captain John Smith came in contact with was more than happy to trade goods with the newcomers. The head of the Native American tribes was Chief Powhatan. In about 1600, Powhatan had consolidated his control over about 30 other Tribes in Virginia. The colonies' need for more food came at the expense of English raiding parties to meet their goals. Violence soon ensued over these incursions. The Tribes had their houses burned and yes the colonists stole their food. The Tribes laid Jamestown to seige and many colonists in Jamestown died in 1609-10. It should be noted that the London Company was interested in the new " activity " of smaoking tobacco. This was a new product for Europe and the potential source of great wealth. After a bit of time, a deal was worked out that seemed to benefit all parties. Under Powhatan, the Tribes would trade food for metal hatchets and other metals. It did not take Chief Powhatan to realize that the British were not in Virginia to live but to expand their territory for the tobacco trade. The London Company now realized that Powthan was a military problem that needed to be solved. Now, still in 1610, the London Company informed the new governor, Thomas Gates to bring Chritianity to the Natives and neutralize them by absorbing them into the colony. Gates also informed Gates that he must also have Powhatan & his Tribes to acknowledge King James as their true leader. Gates was no fool and knew this would not work. His plan to survive was to evacuate the settlement and head for home. Not to be however as the British Government was now going to take almost direct charge of the situation. The arrival of a British fleet and new officer in charge Lord Warre had orders to secure Jamestown at any cost and to defeat any Tribal resisitence. Many Tribesmen were killed. Events went back and forth and the now "Virginia Company" sought to make peace. It did and in 1618 Powhatan died and his brother Opechancough became head of the 30 or so Tribes. The new Chief never belived that peace could be maintained. He also sought revenge for the lost Braves in the battles of 1610. As the British expanded their plantations the Chief planned his war. In 1622 he attacked the British plantations. The Powhatans had killed many colonists. It;s now 1624 and Virginia becomes a Royal Crown Colony. At this point the British military was involved, as Jamestown and the surrounding villages were under Royal Crown protection. Opechancough launches his final campaign against the British in 1644, killing many colonists. Opechancough is captured and killed before the set date of his execution. Thus we by hindsight see the ultimate fate of the Native American Tribes. Money, tobacco, and the greed to take it at any cost, deaths to Tribesmen and to colonists no longer mattered. The English had come to (James ) Town.

How much did American postage stamps cost in 1850?

It was 5 cents for the first half ounce of mail.

How much did it cost to travel from England to Colonial America in 1750?

Depending on your position in the English hierarchy, and who's boat you're on, it would cost around 5 British Pounds per person, 20 Pounds for a family.

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Good question! No matter how much it costs in British Pounds, it's still VERY expensive with American Dollars!

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The American wanted to take Bunker Hill to keep the British from advancing on Charleston Peninsula. They lost the battle to the British but at a great cost in lives to the British.

What American military leader in the South during the American Revolutionary war?

Francis Marion was one of the leaders in the South. He was known as the Swamp Fox and attacked the British in South Carolina. General Nathaniel Green was sent to South Carolina and lost at the Battle of Camden. Nathaniel Green also lost at The Battle of Guilford Court House but at the cost of a great number of British soldiers. This led the British to the Battle of Yorktown where General George Washington and Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau trapped Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown.

How is the taj mahal worth?

The cost was about 32 million India rupees during the years 1632-1653. Back then, one rupee was worth 30 Dutch stuivers. Five stuivers were worth 6 British pence. It takes 240 pence to make a British pound. With this information you can figure that in 1640, one rupee was worth 0.15 British pounds. That means the Taj Mahal cost 4.8 million British pounds in 1640. Using an inflation calculator for the British pound, I determined that a British pound in 1640 is worth 141 British pounds today. So that means the Taj Mahal cost 678,800,000 of today's British pounds. Converting that to today's American dollars gives the Taj Mahal a cost in modern American dollars of: $1,062,834,098

What is the cost to build a house in Virginia?

The cost to build a house in Virginia varies depending on the size of the house. Some houses can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to build.

Why did british passed Sugar Act?

Glen Grenville and Parliament passed the American Revenue Act (Sugar act) in order to off set the cost of nearly 10,000 British Soldiers in the Colonies.

How much will 200 American dollars cost in English pounds?

200 US Dollars is currently equal to 128 Great British Sterling.