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Q: The bubbles in bubble tea and the pearls in pearl tea for that matter are actually gummy balls of what substance?
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What does bubble yum contain?

As bubbles are a possible occurrence for numerous matters, it is difficult to answer. Generally speaking, bubbles are composed of whatever matter created the bubble, and the air in the environment in which the bubble was released (including any particles of other matter that are present in that air).

Why is it no matter what color your bubble bath is the bubbles are always white?

The bubbles will always be white even if the bubble bath is a different color because it is the oxygen in the water that creates the bubbles. When the water foams, it is just like the bubbles on top of a beer that is poured from a tap. The bubbles are mostly air.

Why is it that no matter what color of bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

well bubbles are translucent (clear) not white. and its because bubbles are just expanded soap/water filled with air, so as more air is added in the bubble, the more it stretches and loses its color.

Are bubbles matter?

Yes. A bubble is just the form any matter containing a gas, that fills it and shapes it into a usually circular shape. For example, soap bubbles is a thin layer of soap containing air. Hopefully this helped

What state of matter is a balloon?

Gas... bubbles are formed when water (or another liquid substance) are heated up and then turned to gas. When water on a fire heats up at the bottom of a container that water turns to gas before the water at the top. Since gas is lighter than water it rises in the form of a bubble and pops at the surface. So bubbles are in the state of gas, surrounded or covered by a 'membrane' (a thin cover) of liquid

What is a bubbles states of matter?


Is there matter in bubbles?

Yes, your CO2

What state of matter is bubbles?


What if you mix matter with another substance?

What happens would depend on what sort of matter you are stirring in.

What ia Ariana Grande favorite word?

Bubble actually... reason : because she thinks no matter the way you say bubble it doesnt sound negative or mean/angry...also it was the "Problem" singer's FIRST EVER WORD!

How is matter and substances related?

Matter & Substances are related because a substance is a matter IGuess ... of matter is not a substance because a matter may include many many substances.

Is heat matter or non matter?

Everything that has substance is matter. Heat doesn't have substance, so it is not matter. Therefore it is Non-Matter.