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Q: The capture of animals for food?
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heterotrophic - ingest food like animals

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Cows are not predators, they are prey animals. Thus they do not "capture" their own food like a cat would catch a mouse or a pack of wolves would capture a moose.

What are animals that kill other animals for food?

Animals that chase, capture and kill other animals for their food are called carnivores and predators. Examples are: the lion, tiger, cheetah, leopard, bear...

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Depends where you are. Knowledge or a guidebook on local native and wild food plants is helpful. As well as advice on what NOT to eat. Knowledge of animals in the area and how to capture them for food...

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They are highly productive and ecosytems, and are able to capture energy and provide food for many animals

How com you capture animals?

hunt for there meat or fur or there habitat is destroyed so they starve from no food in close distancelove pandas

How do animals avoid capture?

There are a few ways they do this. They out run. They will hide from capture. They will fight to avoid capture.

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They use their 8 arms and 2 tentacles to capture food.

Why do people capture animals?

People who capture animals are known as hunters and they hunt different species of animals for different reasons. Such has hunting elephants for their tusks etc..

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Burrowing Owls Capture Food By Digging or Hidding & Jumping

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