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Q: The chance of collision rises dramatically after how many drinks?
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As a woman ages, her risk of developing breast cancer rises dramatically regardless of her family history

What do sellers do if they expect the price of goods they have for sale to increase dramatically in the near future?

Store the goods until the price rises and then try to sell them.

What do you notice about the melting point as you move from left to right across a periodic table?

It starts low on the left, rises dramatically towards the middle and falls again on the right.

How likely are people to inherit the susceptibility to migraines?

A child of a migraine sufferer has as much as a 50% chance of developing migraines. If both parents are affected, the chance rises to 70%.

Why does ocean crust dive below continental crust?

The ocean crust dives below the continental crust due to a collision. This collision involves the two types of crust and since the oceanic crust is denser, it sinks to the bottom while the less dense continental crust rises to the top.

In periods lady can pregnant or not?

On day 1 or 2 of her cycle, she will not become pregnant - after day 2 the chance of pregnancy rises daily.

What is acid rebound?

it is a condition resulting from taking too much antacid such that the stomach's ph rises to around 5 and to counter this the stomach lining cells secrete more hcl to counter this and dramatically reduce ph .

How is a mountian made?

Mountains are formed in various ways. They can be formed by erosion, the collision of tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, or when hot magma rises from the earths mantle and lifts the sedimentary layer of the earth's crust.

Who would win in a fight Catwoman from The Dark Knight Rises or Natalie Cook from Charlie's Angels?

Catwoman wins this; Natalie wouldn't stand a chance.

What are the maximum temperatures that a radiator can reach?

the superconductivity radiator is a leading technology around the worldmedium in it will be activated while the temperature rises to 35Cthe collision between atom and molecule results in higher temperature about 85C in 3 minutes

Why you should warm a liquid from below when want to warm a liquid?

because heat rises and when it does it has a chance of the heated molecules to hit the colder ones and transfer heat