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Q: The change from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies in Europe occurred first in which environment?
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The change from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies in Europe occurred first in which what environments?

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What was the agricultural Neolithic revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

What was neolithic agricultural revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

Was the Neolithic revolution a war?

No, the Neolithic revolution was not a war. It was a gradual shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settled communities. This transition occurred over thousands of years, leading to significant changes in human societies.

What development occurred as societies grew into civilization?

Some Developments that occurred that made societies turn into civilizations were writing, art and architecture that characterize a civilization.

What did societies changes as the neolithic revolution occurred?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a shift from nomadic hunting and gathering to settled agriculture and domestication of animals. This led to the development of permanent settlements, job specialization, social hierarchies, and the establishment of organized societies. Additionally, the surplus of food allowed for population growth, trade, and the development of more complex forms of culture and technology.

What changed occurred as a result of Britain's agricultural revolution?

There was a surplus of available food.

What change occurred as a result of Britain's as agricultural Revolution?

There was a surplus of available food.

What change occurred as result of Britain's agricultural revolution?

There was a surplus of available food.

In which of these environments did hunting and gathering occurred in?

We don't know the environments you were given so we can't answer.

What is older hunter gatherers or agriculture?

Hunting and gathering occurred much before agriculture.

Did the agricultural revolution occur between 10000-12000 years ago?

Yes, the first agricultural revolution occurred around 10,000 years ago.