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Q: The changes in government policy listed below BEST reflect the political philosophies of which U.S. presidentAsk us anything?
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Colonial government rules of Georgia?

trustees could not hold political office or do anything that would benifite themselves.

Does the word political have anything to do with the Government?

'Political' is an adjective derived from the noun 'politic/politics'. Governments are majorly involved in politics, so there is somewhat of a relationship between the two.

What does political issues mean?

The main Political Issue is Political Corruption which uses legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption.

Do political assassinations solve anything?

No, Political Assassinations solve nothing.

Why should gay people not be in power of the government?

There is no valid reason why a person's sexual orientation has anything to do with holding political office. Gay people are just as capable as anyone else.

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What is political geography about?

It could be anything to do with political perceptions and spatial interactions between people and places.

How did Gautama Buddha affect China?

He did not do anything to China!Answer:Buddhism (the result of the Buddha's teaching) was brought to China and from there to Japan and Korea. It influenced the thinking and philosophies of these countries.

Why do countries with multiiparty systems often have coalition governments?

Multiparty means that the political system has several groups writing laws and running the government. The only way to get anything done is to have a coalition and compromise because without that the people's business doesn't get done. We have a good example in our own government of what happens when political parties stalemate and block doing the needed work. Literally nothing gets done and the citizenry suffers from the partisan political process.

What is deciding not to buy a product for political reasons?

Boycotting (this refers to avoiding anything for political or other reasons).

What does a Seditious Speech allow others to do?

A seditious speech can incite others to commit acts of rebellion or overthrow a government, leading to unrest or political turmoil.