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The circulatory system is made up of two main pathways. These are the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation.

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Q: The circulatory system has how many main pathways for movement?
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How many main pathways does the circulatory system have for movement?


What body system has the heart as its main organ?

the heart is part of the circulatory system in the body.

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The Heart is the main organ of a circulatory system.

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Two many functions of the circulatory system are the movement of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, and movement of wastes from the tissues to the excretory system. The main organs are the heart and blood vessels.

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The heart is the main part of the circulatory system.

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The two main part of circulatory system are hearth and Arteries

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The main organs of the respiratory system are the lungs. The main organs of the circulatory system are the heart and blood vessels.

What is the main function of the circulatory system?

The main function of your circulatory system is to oxygenate blood and pump it throughout your body

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the heart is the main circulatory organ of the frog

Which is the larget and main artery of the circulatory system?

The largest and main artery of the circulatory system is the aorta. It drains the left ventricle.

How do you benefit from the Circulatory System?

The main function of the Circulatory System is to circulate blood through your body. So the Circulatory System keeps you alive.

What are the two main parts of the circulatory?

The two main part of circulatory system are hearth and Arteries