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Q: The colours do not change their position in the spectrum explain?
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The star's spectrum is analyzed; certain lines in the spectrum, which have a fixed position, will change their position when the object moves away from us or towards us.

Would the atomic emission spectrum for each sample change if you repeated the procedure?

no i don't know how to explain it, but thats the answer.

Does the prism change the color of the light?

A prism will split white light into its constituent colours (the colours of the rainbow). "White light" is the light we see around us i.e. natural light from the sun. This light is made up of all the colours in the visible spectrum

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This letter to your boss should explain why you want the position change. You should also tell your boss what benefits you will bring to the new position.

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What is the difference between refraction and dispersion?

refraction is when light bends because of the change in desity, dispersion is white light that splits in a prism inot the colours of the spectrum (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet) so refraction is light changing direction and dispersion is white light splitting inot the colours of the spectrum (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet).

Do different colors of light change how hot or cold it is?

Visible light, the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet colours of the rainbow are just a small part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum which comprises electromagnetic waves of different wavelength. Beyond the red colour we can see is a part of the spectrum called infrared and heat - the warmth you feel when you hold out your hand towards a fire. Beyond the Blue/Violet colours we can see is a part of the spectrum called ultraviolet and it is this radiation that gives you sunburn.

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How does radiation change across the electromagnetic spectrum?

The amount of radiation changes across the spectrum.

A lizard that can change colours?

a chamelion