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A good start would be to look at Phyllis Schlafly...

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Q: The conservative backlash to the feminist movement was led by?
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Who lead feminist movement in America?

Feminist movement in America was led (mainly) by Susan B. Anthony.

Who were those who led political movements to eliminate slavrey in the nation?

The Feminist Movement. It brought about equality.

Conservative activist who led a successful movement to stop ratification of the equal rights amendment?

Phyllis Schlafly

When did the feminist movement start in Australia?

It depends on what you regard as the "feminist movement". Some would consider that fighting for women's rights was a precursor to the main feminist movement of the 1970s. If this is the case, then the feminist movement arguably began with Dame Roma Mitchell whose influence led to the formation of the Women Law Students' Society, when she was not permitted to join the Law Students' Society because she was a woman. On 23 September 1965, Mitchell was made a Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia in 1965, the first Australian woman to achieve this position. Pioneering the Australian women's rights movement, Mitchell was also the first woman in Australia to be a Queen's Counsel (1962).

Who was the father of the Conservative movement in the US?

There was really no national leader of the modern Conservative movement until William F. Buckley, Jr., who recently died at age 82, launched the magazine, National Review, in 1955. His consolidation of the conservative (classical liberalism) view helped the conservative movement develop and led to the presidential nominations of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.

Who led the re energized conservative movement of the 1980?

Ronald Reagan

Who led the political conservative of the 1980?

Ronald Reagan

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Toussaint l'Ouverture led the independence movement of Haiti

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Indian National Congress led the Nationalist movement in India.

Which movement led to the revolts of the 1830s in Europe?

liberal movement

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India's movement for independence was led by the Mohandas (Mahatma ) Ghandi

The settlement house movement led to the new profession of?

The settlement house movement led to the new profession of social work