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Q: The construction of the Hoover Dam was the result of what kind of government intervention in the economy?
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The construction of Hoover Dam was the result of what kind of government intervention in the economy?

Public Work Program

What construction of hoover dam was the result of what kind of government intervention in the economy?

Public Work Program

What was true about president Hoover's political platform in the 1932 presidential election?

he called for minimal government role in changing the economy.

What was hoover criticized for during the New Deal?

Hoover felt constrained by the traditional limits of the federal government. Basically, he was criticized for not being more like Roosevelt -- for not proposing more government intervention into the economy and not creating more government jobs and subsides.

What was Hoover's approach to resolving disputes between business and labor?

Hoover believed in voluntary cooperation and mediation to resolve disputes between business and labor. He encouraged negotiations and compromise between the two parties, while also supporting some government intervention to prevent strikes and maintain stability in the economy. Hoover's approach focused on preserving the status quo and avoiding government intervention whenever possible.

What position effect did the construction of the Hoover dam have on the economy of the southwest in the 1930?

it increased employment

WHAT Positive effect did the construction of the hoover dam have on the economy of the southwest in the 1930?

it increased employment

How did Roosevelt's evaluate the efforts made by the hoover administration to resolve the nation economic problems?


Hoover believed that the best way to end the depression was through?

voluntary cooperation between businesses and government, rather than direct government intervention. He believed that the government should play a role in facilitating cooperation and providing relief to those suffering, but that excessive intervention would harm the economy in the long run. Hoover's approach was criticized for being too hands-off and failing to effectively address the economic crisis.

Why did president hoover not help the unemployed?

President Hoover believed in limited government intervention in the economy and thought that the economy would naturally recover on its own. He was also concerned about the potential for increased government spending and debt. Additionally, Hoover believed that direct relief to the unemployed could discourage them from seeking work. He did implement some limited measures, such as creating the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but these efforts were criticized as being too little and too late.

Why didn't hoover want the federal government to interfere with the economy?

he didn't want people to depend on the government

Which man believed that the Depression would be short-lived and would end without government intervention?

Herbert Hoover