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Q: The correct order of pollen traveling through a flower?
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What is the correct order of pollen traveling through a flower?

Once the flower is pollinated the pollen travels down the pistil until it reaches the female cell, the egg cell. When the pollen and egg cell join they form a seed.

How do you spell pollenate?

The correct spelling of the verb is pollinate (spread pollen from flower to flower).

What part of a flower produced pollen?

There are two parts of a flower that produces pollen. The two parts are the stalk and the top of the flower.

What can anthers produce?

The anther produces pollen grains which would be transferred to other plant's stigma which will receive the pollen grains when an insect fly pass it then the pollen grains will be stuck on its wings.

What part of the flower produces and delivers pollen?

The male reproductive part of the flower, called the stamen, produces pollen. The anther, located at the tip of the stamen, is where the pollen is produced. Pollen is then delivered to the female reproductive part of the flower, called the pistil, through various mechanisms such as wind, insects, or animals.

What does a flower produce?

a flower produce pollen sacs which has pollen grains in it

Describe one way in which the pollen from the male part of the flower gets to the female part of a flower?

it travels through the plant

What is the structure that allows sperm cells to move through the style of a flower?

Pollen tube

What is the process of transferring pollen from male to female?

The process of transferring pollen from the male to the female reproductive organs in plants is known as pollination. It can occur either through self-pollination, where the pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma within the same flower or plant, or cross-pollination, where the pollen is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the same species. This transfer can occur through various agents, including wind, water, insects, birds, or other animals.

What is the function of pollen cells?

It is the sperm of plants.The pollen cells goes to the female reproductive part of the plants through the wind,insects etc. It goes inside makes seeds the seeds mature they make new plants.

Where are pollen grains produced?

pollen grains are produced in pollen sac of anthers which are present on the male gamets of flower

How do bees fertilize?

They carry pollen from flower to flower the pollen from one flower fertilizes other flowers and so on.