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Q: The decrease of effectiveness of the drugs when ampicillin and gentamicin are given together is an example of which incompatibility?
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If the nuvaring comes out will its effectiveness decrease?

If NuvaRing is out for less than three hours, there's no worries about effectiveness. Just rinse it in lukewarm water and reinsert.

Does Ephedra or Mahuang decrease the effectiveness of the birth control pill?

I have also wondered this question and with the research that I have done, it says that neither affects the effectiveness of birth control pills

Will Fematril decrease birth control effectiveness?

I'm not familiar with Fematril but to be certain I would advise you speak to your Doctor about this.

Would it decrease effectiveness if you placed the patch on an area of the skin that has hair?

You should really ask your doctor or pharmasist.

Does Lactulose lose it's effectiveness?

Over time, the effectiveness of Lactulose may decrease due to factors like changes in dosage requirements, tolerance buildup, or underlying health conditions. It's important to regularly monitor its effectiveness and adjust dosage as needed in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Why is contraceptive implant used than contraceptive pill in developed countries?

The advantage of the contraceptive implant is its high level of effectiveness. Because you don't have to do anything to make it work, there are no mistakes (like missing a pill) that can decrease its effectiveness.

You took antibiotics for a UTI and now you are worried-could it effect your implanon protection?

Antibiotics used for UTI do not decrease the effectiveness of the contraceptive implant.

Can ou dirink alcohol while taking cleon?

No, you cannot drink alcohol while taking Cleon. If you mix the two, the effectiveness of the Cleon will decrease.

Why does the sex drive of diabetics diminish after 60?

As we grow older, the bodys capacity of producing sex hormones decreases. Also the effectiveness of these hormones decrease.

Will St johns wort affect birth control?

Yes, St John's Wort can decrease the effectiveness of birth control up to 50 percent

Does taking trileptal decrease the effectiveness of nuva ring?

It does. Either use a second method, like condoms, along with the Nuva Ring, or consider a different method.