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Well I'm 14 an I know this stuff the bad thing is if it's asexual reproduction it's like a clone an if it keeps happening well that's fine but you see if there's one that got sick from some type of bacterium or that an died chances are that every other one of that certain species would die off from that bacterium cause they are the same as there parents that's why sorry if this didn't help hope it does. :)

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Q: The disadvantages of asexual reproduction
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Disadvantages of asexual reproduction are .?

There is no genetic variability since the offsprings are not very different from their parents.

What disadvantages are there to asexual reproduction?

There is no genetic variability, (unless some random mutation occurs)

What type of reproduction that only require one parent?

asexual. its what plants do

What are the advanages of Asexual reproduction?

What are the Advanages of Asexual reproduction?

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asexual reproduction produces

What is the creation of offspring from only one organism called?

asexual reproduction. Mitosis.

What is the other name of asexual reproduction?

The scientific name for asexual reproduction is asexual reproduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

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asexual reproduction is to 1 as sexal reproduction is to 2

A example of asexual reproduction?

an Example of Runner in Asexual Reproduction

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.

What is asexual reproduction not as widespread in?

Asexual reproduction is not as widespread in animals as it is in plants