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Q: The do outer coverings of a duck and a lizard do different jobs Expaln how?
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What do the outer coverings of a duck and lizard have in common?

Both of the outer coverings are made out of atoms.

Why does animals use outer coverings for?

They use outer coverings to protect themselves from injuries, cold temperatures etc.

What is the outer coverings for goats?


Why are outer coverings important for movement in many invertebrates?

Muscles attached to the outer coverings in someinvertebrates contract and relax to helpthe animals move.

What is the difference wigwam and tee pee?

different outer coverings: animal hide for one and bark or fauna for the other

Does piranha have scales as outer coverings?

Yes, they have scales.

Why do animals have outer coverings?

To make them feel confident.

What will happen to a bird if its outer coverings is extensively damaged?

It has a baby

Are birds vetebrate and warm blooded?

Yes! All invertebrates have hard outer body coverings to keep them in shape. But birds don't have hard outer body coverings. So they are vertebrates!

Do all animals have outer coverings over their their skin?

yeah if they have skin they have to have a outer covering or they will die from getting sick

Which animals has feathers as their outer coverings?

Eagle, Sparrow and Kingfisher.(all birds)

What type of tissue makes up the outer coverings and lines organs of animals?
