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the supreme court

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Q: The doctrine of checks and balances was established by who?
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Why was the systems of checks and balances established?

With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others. This way, no one branch becomes too powerful.

What is the system by which each branch of government could delay or stop an action taken by one of the other branches?

checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.

How are the ideas of checks and balances displayed in Federalist #51?

The ideas of checks and balances are displayed in Federalist #51 through the system of government established by the Constitution. This system includes the separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, as well as the system of checks and balances between the different levels of government.

What is the system established to maintain a balance of power between the three branches of government?

checks and balances

Where was checks and balances located in the constitution specifically what article?

well. .. the established principle of no taxation w/o repsentation

Why do you have a system called checks and balances?

Checks and balances is a system established to keep each branch of the government within proper guidelines. If each branch keeps tabs on the other two, then no one will gain too much power.

Use checks and balances in a sentences?

Example sentence for the noun phrase 'checks and balances':The government uses checks and balances to separate the responsibilities of departments.

Controls given to one branch of government to limit the power of another branch are known as what?

Checks and balances!Add me on myspace AmandaAmor!

What keeps any one branch of government from gaining to much power?

checks and balances

What are synonyms of checks and balances?

The synonym of checks and balances is equal. Because it prevents the branches of becoming too powerful .

What is the six major principles of government established in the constitution?

Popular Sovereignty, Checks and Balances, Federalism, Rule Of Law, Separation of Powers, and judicial reveiw

How do checks and balances limit majority rule?

The checks and balances can limit power by not picking an electoral