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Q: The dropping off of bits of eroded rock?
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The dropping off of bits of eroded rocks is called?

It's called deposition.

What is the dropping off of weathered rock?

the dropping off of weathered rock is deposition

What is the dropping off of weathered rock and minerals called?

Deposition is the answer

How bits can move rock long distance?

They can be moved by the rain coming down and landing on the rock so the rock brakes and crumbles off.Also it can be caused by the wind blowing on the rock and bits can fall off the rocks.

How are metamorphic rocks eroded?

because they are broken off into little bits and so get smaller and gradually worn down

How do rocks get worn away by the sea?

It gets worn away by the sea because it is simply eroded which mean when water is moving fast the waves crash against the rock and bits fall off into the sea. when this happens the waves carry the pieces of rock away and they end up on a beach as sand or at the bottom of the ocean.

What are the bits of soil and rock carried off by the Nile River?

its called silt

How can a rock wear away?

By the water scraping along it so often that little bits come off.

What does transport network in geography mean?

Transportation is a term used for the movement of sediments via transporting agents such as water, wind, ice and even gravity. Transportation is evident in rivers and streams where you can find pebbles of rock some of which might be perfectly spherical and others not quite spherical but round. Such round shapes are the result of transportation which causes attrition of rocks by hitting other rocks or materials, for example, in rivers, breaking bits off to form round shapes as supposed to angular shapes which are predominant in rocks which are freshly eroded.

What type of erosion caused hoodoos to form?

The two theories if hoodoo formation (aside from metaphysical reasons) are: * Water eroded and cracked the harder cap rock on the hoodoos to be. The water in the cracks froze and thawed cracking off chips which were washed away. When the rough shape of the hoodoo was formed the cap rock biscuit acted as an umbrella to protect the center of the hoodoo. The outer edges then rounded off with ongoing spalling of rock in cycles of wetting and freexzing. * Sand blown by the wind eroded the hoodoos from soft rock. This is discredited by the lack of a single eroded side to the hoodoos caused by prevailing winds

How was the sedimentary rock that underlies the lowlands formed?

When the mountains got eroded, sediments broke off, and rolled down the mountain into the lowlands, that were oceans at the time, and the pressure from all the rocks fused them together, making it a sheet of sedimentary rock

Why is the fit not perfect if continents were once all connected?

As the continents broke apart and drifted, so bits would be eroded way, other bits would also break off and may be left behind. Natural erosion would also reshape the land, and some pieces could even have turned round.