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There is no single one. There are 3 classifications that are effective. They are Mood Stabilizers, Antipsychotics, and Antidepressants. Some Mood Stabilizers are: Lithium, Depakote, Lamictal. Some antipsychotics are: Trilafon, Risperidal, Abilify. Some Antidepressants are: Seroquel, Zoloft, Welbutrin.

Often the medication that helps one person has no effect on another and bad side effects on a third. There is no way to predict except to try it and see what happens.

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Q: The drug that has shown to be effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder is?
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The relation between thyroid disorder andbipolar disorder is that there is an increased tendency to develop bipolar disorder in persons having one particular form of thyroid disorder. It has been shown that autoimmune thyroiditis, specifically, is the thyroid dysfunction that is responsible for this.

Can an emontional mental breakdown cause bipolar disorder?

not always because bipolar runs in the family and anyone can have an emontioal mental break down but people have shown that can be the course but you will only get bipolar disorder if any of your family have it as it only runs in the family

Bipolar Disorder Treatment?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a serious psychiatric illness that causes extreme changes in energy, mood and functioning. These changes can manifest themselves in either a dramatic or subtle fashion and tend to vary greatly over the course of a person's life as well as among individuals afflicted with the disorder. Mania is the word used to describe the activated phase of the disorder, and its symptoms include either an elated, happy mood, or an angry, unpleasant mood, racing thoughts, increased activity and energy, risk taking and impulsive behaviors. Depression is the other phase of the disorder, and its symptoms include prolonged sadness, loss of energy, restlessness, inability to concentrate, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite, changes in sleep patterns and suicidal thoughts. Bipolar disorder is a chronic and generally life- long condition. Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, it is a treatable and manageable illness. After a diagnosis is made, most people can achieve an optimal level of wellness with a combination of medication and psychosocial therapy.Using medication to treat bipolar disorderA number of different medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. If one does not work, there are others to try. Doctors may even advise patients to take a combination of drugs to get the best results. The most widely prescribed mood stabilizer is lithium. Lithium is very effective at removing the extreme highs and lows associated with bipolar disorder and has a history of safe use covering many years. Anticonvulsants are also used to help stabilize moods. Popular anticonvulsant medications used to treat bipolar disorder include valproic acid, divalproex and lamatrogine.Standard antidepressant medications, those used for the treatment of standard clinical depression, have not been proven effective in treating bipolar disorders. Studies have shown that there is no evidence that antidepressants help bipolar individuals. Using psychotherapy to treat bipolar disorderPsychotherapy is aimed at alleviating the core symptoms of bipolar disorder, recognizing episode triggers, reducing negative emotions in relationships and practicing the factors that lead to maintenance of remission. Cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and group therapy have all proven effective in treating bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorder is a very serious disease that afflicts millions of people throughout the world. While there is no cure for the disease, there are a number of medications that can help individuals living with the disorder lead happy lives. The best way to treat bipolar disorder is to combine prescription medication with psychosocial therapy.

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

Is Bipolar hereditary?

The mental illness bipolar disorder is thought to be genetic (hereditary) however we don't know of a specific gene that is responsible for it. It appears that many genes must be present for bipolar disorder to manifest, likely, along with other risk factors. This has been shown in twin studies. While identical twins share 100% of their DNA, if one twin has bipolar disorder other other twin does not have bipolar disorder 100% of the time. The rate of concordance of bipolar disorder type one in identical twins is between 33-90%, according to Medscape Reference.According to Medscape Reference, first-degree relatives of a person with bipolar disorder type one have a seven times greater risk of bipolar I than the general population. Additionally, major mental illnesses all seem to travel together as offspring of a parent with bipolar disorder have a 50% chance of having another major psychiatric disorder. It's important to note that even siblings raised in different households still show an elevated risk, illustrating that bipolar disorder is not only due to a shared environment but also genetics.

What genetically causes bipolar?

While the cause of Bipolar Affective Disorder is likely genetic, the genes involved have never been conclusively established. Since studies have shown the disease to be caused by different genes in different families, moreover, the disorder has no genome-wide association according to current research.

Is there a blood work test to detect bipolar disease?

Currently, bipolar disorder is diagnosed based on the patient's description of their symptoms. But now researchers have shown that 10 genes that can be detected in the blood could provide a better way to assess a patient.

What is the prognosis for someone who is a sociopath or has an antisocial personality disorder?

The condition is not curable, nor is it even treatable. There is no known treatment of any kind for antisocial personality disorder that has shown any efficacy. No drugs have shown to be effective and interactions with therapists tend to make sociopaths more manipulative, rather than less so. The only available option, sadly, is to incarcerate sociopaths if and when they commit a crime.

What are treatments for bipolar disorder?

Medication, therapy, regular discussions with your doctor, and the support of family and friends all serve as important parts of your treatment plan. Yet as you manage your symptoms ofBipolar Disorder, you may also want to consider your overall health and its impact on your treatment Treatment for bipolar disorder can help you live life on your own terms, without the interference of mood swings. Effective bipolar disorder treatment relieves symptoms, reduces the frequency and intensity of manic and depressive episodes, and restores your ability to functionNatural remedies are of great interest to us. And we should take note of the fact that lithium began at the end of the nineteenth century as a kind of natural remedy for actually many different disorders. It turned out that it really did help manic depressive illness. And looking to natural remedies makes a lot of sense, because we never know when we will get the next great intervention. Unfortunately, many of the natural remedies that are out there are not going to be as effective as the prov-en treatments, and what we want to do is regard them as more complementary Because for some patients there may be additional benefit of adding omega-3 fatty acids, foliate, or other vitamins or minerals to their treatment, but at this point it would not be helpful to regard those as a substitute for prov-en treatments. Adding them on makes a lot of sense -- see if they work for you -- but don't use them instead of things that have been shown to work.

Which discipline has research shown to be the most effective mental health treatment provider?

There is no difference among the disciplines

Could i have abdominal and back pains due to stop taking depakote?

depakote are the drugs us for bipolar disorder's yes if that stop the pain symptoms can be shown in back and abdominal pain