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Russia. Obviously, Russia is connected to Asia by land and the Native American-Indians originally came from parts of Asia, hence to their traditions and looks.

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Q: The early inhabitants of continental north American were thought to have come across a land bridge from?
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The earliest inhabitants of north American were thought to have come across a Bridget of land of thousands of years ago from what continent?


The earlist inhabitants of north American were thought to have come across a Bridget of land of thousands of years ago from what continent?

Asia to the North American Continent

The earliest inhabitants were thought to have come across a bridge of land thousands of years ago from what continent?

The earliest inhabitants of the Americas were thought to have come across a land bridge from Asia, based on anthropology as well as genetic evidence.

The earliest inhabitants of North America were thought to have come across a bridge of land thousands of years ago from what continent?

the earliest inhabitants of the Americas were thought to have come across a land bridge from Asia, based on anthropology as well as genetic evidence.

Who were the earliest inhabitants of north America were thought to have come across a bridge of land thousands of years ago from what continent?


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Continental Drift

What where The earliest inhabitants of North America were thought to have come across a bridge of land thousands of years ago from what continent?

The earliest inhabitants of North America were Native Americans. They came from East Asia and crossed the land-bridge connecting Asia and North America during the Ice Age.

The first inhabitants of the US and Canada?

The first inhabitants of the United States and Canada were Indigenous peoples who migrated to the region thousands of years ago. They had diverse cultures, languages, and ways of life, living in tribes or nations across the continent before European colonization began.

How many miles is continental US across from east to west?

The US tapers from about 3200 miles across in the north to about 2500 miles across in the south.

Where did America earliest inhabitants come from?

America's earliest inhabitants came from Asia. Sea levels were lower 12,000 years ago and there was a land bridge where the Bering Straits now are. They basically walked across.

How hot is the Earth's continental crust?

The temperature of the continental crust varies widely across different areas and at different depths.

What are continental trenches?

coninental trenches are trenches that go across countries...i think