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Q: The endocrine gland that functions in the greatest number of negative feedback system is labbled?
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What is the endocrine definition of self-regulating?

The endocrine system has four major mechanisms of control that regulate its functions. They are: Hormonal control, neural control, negative feedback, and positive feedback.

How does the endocrine system carry out its functions on a daily basis?

Through chemical messengers controlled by a negative feedback system.

What kind of feedback is the endocrine system?


How the endocrine system regulates homeostasis is known as?

negative feedback

What are examples of feedback loops in are body?

example of negative feedback example of negative feedback

Are positive feedback and negative feedback both components of homeostasis?

No, negative feedback is the primary homeostatic mechanism regulating the endocrine system. Positive feedback is used much less frequently.

How does the endocrine system know when to stop releasing a particular hormone?

negative feedback

What is a process in which the endocrine system is turned off by the condition it produces?

Negative Feedback

Why is negative feedback valuable in metabolic processes?

Negative feedback loops primarily focus on maintaining the body's homeostatic functions.

What are most hormone action regulated by?

The hypothalamus regulates the Pituitary gland, and the Pituitary gland regulates the rest of the endocrine system.

How does the endocrine system use feedback loops to maintian homeostasis?

There are many endocrine systems. An endocrine system is one where a gland excretes substances internally or to a surface such as the skin. Both salivary glands and sweat glands are two such systems. It may seem picky to make this distinction but each system uses its own feedback to achieve homeostasis (equilibrium). There are several types off feedback loop such as "mechanical circuits" (sweat cooling skin to slow this process) or by nervous or hormonal systems. edit: Neither salivary glands nor sweat glands are apart of the endocrine system. Both are exocrine.

How does the endocrines system's negative feedback system work?

Through negative feedback when the amount of a particular hormone in he blood reaches a certain level the endocrine system sends signals that stop the release of hormone.