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Q: The expedition of balboa and megellan were important because they opened the pacific ocean for spanish exploration and control?
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The expedition of balboa and Magellan were important because?

they opened the pacific ocean for spanish exploration and control

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Francisco Coronado's exploration is important because it expanded knowledge of the North American continent, leading to the discovery of the Grand Canyon and other landmarks. Additionally, Coronado's expedition contributed to the European understanding of the native cultures and peoples living in the region.

Why Ferdinand Magellan discovery is important?

He was the first to circumnavigate the world ---- because he was the first one to circumnavigate Earth

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exploration is important because then only we can now about that place and go there with more detail

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Henry Hudson's exploration was important because he discovered the New York Bay area.

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Prince Henry was important to the age of exploration because he encouraged most explorers to go on expeditions! I think he also went on an exploration himself.

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it was importanty because he smelled

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it because he was responsible for European worldwide exploration

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because he made 3 voyages

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