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Q: The faster magma cools the smaller the mineral crystals form. true or false?
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Is the faster a rock cools the larger the crystals?

NO the faster a rock cools the smaller the crystals are.

Why do some rocks have both small and large crystals?

It depends how slow/fast it cools into a rock. The slower it cools, the larger the crystals. The faster it cools, the smaller the crystals. It can also have no crystals. Let's say lava shot itself into the water. It cools so fast it might not have crystals

What below the Earths's surface cools and hardens to form mineral crystals?

Molten magma cools and hardens to form mineral crystals.

How does a basalt differ from gabbro?

Gabbro has much larger grains that basalt does. This is because basalt cools faster than gabbro and has less time to form crystals.

What is the affect of temperature on crystal growth?

Temperature doesn't really affect the crystal size; the rate of cooling is the major factor. The faster the mineral, rock, etc. (whatever has the crystals) cools, the smaller the crystals- the slower the larger. If you were "growing" crystals with a set, the warmer the temperature generally means the larger the crystals.

Why do plutonic rock and volcanic rock have big and small crystals respectively?

The size of the crystals is a function of the rate of cooling of the molten rock. The faster the molten rock cools, the smaller the crystals will be.

What is the relationship between cooling time igneous rocks and the size of its crystals?

Plutonic rocks are intrusive (they solidify before they reach the surface) and have larger crystals because the crystals have had a longer time to accumulate in the heat under the surface. Volcanic rocks are extrusive (they solidify on or near the surface) and have smaller crystals because the element has less time to accumulate when they cool quickly.

When liquid rock cools slowly will crystals be bigger or smaller then when it cools fast?


When melted rock cools above ground it has no or very small what?

Mineral crystals.

What controls the grain size of igneous rock?

The rate at which the igneous rock cools controls grain size. Slower cooling results in larger crystals while faster cooling results in smaller crystals.

Can minerals from from the cooling of magma?

Yes. When magma cools and solidifies, mineral crystals are formed.

What is the simplified pattern that illustrates the order in which minerals crystallize from cooling magma?

when magma cools fast you get smaller crystals when it cools slow you get large crystals its very simple