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Not if no order was in place.

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Q: The father denies his child and there i no court order child support and now 6yrs later he wants to give his right up. Does he have to pay for that last 6yrs of support before he give his rights up?
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Related questions

Is a father's rights terminated if he pays child support?

Paying child support will not cause the father to lose his parental rights - neither will not paying child support.

What rights does a father have if he is not on the child's bith certificate has never helped finacially and doesn't pay child support?

Paternity must be established before any discussion of rights. Once that is done, the father has the right to pay child support and the right to petition for visitation - these are separate processes.

What rights will a father have if a DNA proves he is the father?

The right to petition the courts for the right to see and support his child.

Can a father give up his physical rights but not his financial rights?

Yes, a father can give up his parental rights but he still have to pay child support.

What happens to child support when a father gives up his rights in ny?

Termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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Will child support stop if father signs rights over to mother and mother does not want child support from him anymore?

None of them can sign over anything. They can go to court and ask to have their rights removed and the custodial parent can ask to have the child support stopped but this means she can not get benefits before he has paid.

How long does a biological father have of not paying child support or having an contact with the child before he can lose his rights in Massachusetts?

Since losing them can include not paying support, it can only be done if an adoption is the intent.

If the father of a child gets married and owes back child support can the spouse be obligated to pay his back child support in CA?

An unmarried father cannot "choose" to not pay child support. The laws in every state require that a father pay for the support of his child. The mother must bring an action to the appropriate court so that a child support order can be established. Visitation rights are separate and a father can have visitation rights established by the court. Visitation rights are not dependent on paying child support.

If a father gives up his rights do he have to pay child support?

yes he does

Does the father vistitation rights stop when he does not pay child support in Texas?


If the father has visitation rights and has not seen the child can you get full custody and receive child support?

How does he have any visitation rights with a custody and child support order?