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Q: The female organ in which a mammal develops before birth is called the?
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What do you call a mammal that develops young internally and gives birth to live young?

A placental mammal retains the young inside the body of the female and are born alive.

Where do baby mammals develop?

I the mammal is a monotreme, it developes in an egg. If the mammal is in the marsupial group, it develops in a pouch on its mother. If it is a placental mammal, it develops in the placenta.

What mammal develops outside of its mother?


How many stages are there in a cats life cycle?

A cat is a mammal and does not have a life cycle. Female cats give birth to a young litter which develops into an adult (no cycle)

What was called a mermaid back before?

a type of mammal

Where does a placental mammal develop?

The fetus develops in the womb of the mother.

What is a uterus in a animal?

In a female mammal, it is the organ where babies grow until they are born. Also called the womb.

What are Tasmanian devils called before they are born?

Like any mammal, they are foetuses.

What is the act of giving birth for ferrets called?

As any mammal, female ferrets give birth vaginally through the birth canal

What do you call a female killer whale?

Being a mammal, a female whale is a "cow".

Is kiri a mammal?

There is no mammal called a 'kiri'

Which one of the plant life cycles apply to mammals?

Mammals have a diploid life cycle, which means they have two sets of chromosomes in their cells. They reproduce sexually, with fertilization occurring internally. The female mammal's body goes through a gestation period where the embryo develops internally before being born as a live young.