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Q: The fibers that get stuck between your teeth when you eat celery are?
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Do brackets hurt when they are on your teeth?

Yes , apparently the braces get stuck between your teeth.

What do you call food particles stuck between teeth?

It is called "victusinterodenta". which means "food between teeth". Ryyah

The positves about braces for Teeth?

The main positive outcome of braces on teeth is that the patient will have straight teeth, making it harder for food to get stuck between them. There should be no gaps between teeth.

Can horses eat celeriac?

Celery stalks should not be fed to horses. The strings get it stuck between their teeth and it can cause gum disease! Celeriac, being a root vegetable, would be outside a horses normal forage. If you a serious about trying it consult with you vet.

How can you remove food particles stuck between tooth and gum?

One way to remove food particles that are stuck between the teeth and gums is to have the teeth cleaned by a dentist. One can also try using dental floss to remove the particles.

Is it necessary to floss at all?

Flossing cleans any food particles stuck between teeth. If those food particles are not cleaned, they will cause cavity between teeth and also cause your gum and bone to go away leading to gum disease.

Can you give a sentence using the word backbone?

A piece of the fish's backbone is stuck between my teeth.

What is the English of tinga?

food stuck..:> ex.:May tinga ka sa ngipin mo. You've got food stuck between your teeth.. ..get it..:>

Can worms eat cauliflower?

Worms don't have teeth, and it takes teeth to bite into celery. Celery isn't really a heathly snack for a pet unless you have like a guinea pig or hampster.

Where are sharpey's fibers found?

In the teeth, Sharpey's fibers are the ends of principal fibres that insert into the cementum.

Hoses can get cavaties?

yes they tend to be caused by food getting stuck between teeth and not sugar. That is why horses need a dentist to make sure there teeth are healthy.

What is perforating fibers?

bundles of collagenous fibers that pass into the outer circumferential lamellae of bone or the cementum of teeth.