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In the final part of the plot, the climax occurs where the main conflict is resolved, and all loose ends are tied up during the resolution. This is where the reader gains a complete understanding of the story, its characters, and its outcomes.

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Q: The final part of the plot that when everything is explained?
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What does a dramatic plot end with?

A plot should end with everything being "wrapped up" and explained to the reader. This is called resolution.

Resolution in a story?

the way the plot is ( Wrapped up) and everything explained away at the end of the short story.

What does denoumont mean?

The final resolution of a plot. That part of a story which occurs after the falling action.

What part of a plot ties everything together?

The climax is the part of a plot that ties everything together. It is the turning point of the story where the conflict reaches its peak and the main characters are forced to confront their challenges head-on.

What does denouenment mean?

Denouement is a French word that refers to the resolution or outcome of a story or play, where the various plot threads are brought together and explained. It is the final part of the story where loose ends are tied up and the ultimate conclusion or outcome is revealed.

What is deneumont?

"Dénouement" is a French term used in literary and dramatic contexts to refer to the resolution or outcome of a story or play, where the plot threads are tied up and loose ends are resolved. It is the final part of a narrative where any remaining mysteries or conflicts are typically explained or concluded.

What is the conflict and resolution in a story?

It is the point in the story when the plot plays out, issues are explained, questions are answered

Which part of plot is also called the denouement?

The denouement is the part of the plot that comes after the climax, where the unresolved issues are clarified and the story reaches its conclusion. It is where loose ends are tied up and the final outcome is revealed.

Why is the exposition Illustrated as flat on a plot diagram?

The exposition is illustrated as flat on a plot diagram because it sets the stage for the story by introducing the characters, setting, and initial conflict without major rises or falls in tension. It provides essential background information and context for the events that will unfold later in the plot.

What is the most emotional or suspenseful part of the plot?

The most emotional part of the plot would be the climax. The climax is the peak of action and suspense, where you're just certain everything is going to go wrong for the hero. All of the tension and emotion builds until it reaches the climax. Then, once that point is reached, everything can relax and end the story.

In the movie Starman how does Scott Hayden die?

Scott's death is never explained in the plot.

Which part of plot is also called the exposition?

Exposition is not part of the plot. Exposition is where things are explained to the reader, most often by the narrator but also by characters in the story. Usually exposition is concerned with setting.