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Q: The first democratic government was in?
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Related questions

Where was the first government in the world?

The first democratic government in the world was within Greece.

Who proposed the first democratic government?

Athens Greece

Where did democratic government began?

Athens had the First Republic.

What was the first representative democratic government in the New world?


Who were the first to develop a democratic way of life?

The Athenians were the first civilization to have a democratic government, but only free landowning men were allowed to vote.

The House of Burgesses was part of the first democratic government of the colony of?

it is the first house

What was the first organized representative and democratic government in America?

Mayflower compact

Who has the power in a democratic government?

The people have the power in the democratic government.

Is Italy's government a democratic?

Yes Italy's government is a Democratic.

Is India's government democratic?

India has a democratic system of government. It is the largest democratic country in the world.

What was the first Western European attempt at democratic government was called?

The assembly of Athens.

The first democratic government was developed in?

its either Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece