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Kevin backer

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Q: The first man that discovered a computer system?
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Who discovered sun?

In evolution, the sun was discovered by the first of the human evolutionary stages to develop eyes, who was intelligent enough to recognize light and objects. This man is not known. Probably an ape man. In creationism, the sun was discovered by Adam, the first man. If you are asking who discovered that the sun was the center of the solar system, then ask it. If you are asking who discovered the sun was round, ask it. Be more specific.

Which was the first metal discovered by man?

The first metal discovered by man was gold and it was mainly used for decoration purpose.

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By the first cave man.

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the first man elephant.

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The first Moari believed to have discovered New Zealand was a man named 'Kope'.

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South America was first discovered by Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus in 1498 during his third voyage to the Americas.

Where was phosphorus first discovered?

Phosphorus was discovered in 1669 in Germany by a man named Hennig Brand.

Who are the first man who discovered a moon?

I think it was Neil Armstrong, or maybe he was just the first man to land on the moon.