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it the acene i.e fleshy thalamus

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Q: The fleshy edible part of the strawberry is actually the?
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What part of the onion plant serves as storage organ?

It is the bulb, which is also the edible part.

What is meant by 'white meat' of coconuts?

The meat of a coconut is the white and fleshy edible part of the coconut, usually scooped out of the coconut with a spoon. What we buy in a bag labeled as "coconut" in the store is actually the meat of a coconut.

Is a strawberry a root?

No, it is a fruit. Technically it's a false fruit, because the fleshy part is formed from the top of the stem and not the ovary wall.

Which is a fruit and which is not Apple Pear Peach Strawberry?

Apple and Pears are most similar but Peach is also a tree. Strawberry is most different because it is a low bush and not a tree. By the way the strawberry is not really a berry the fleshy and edible part of the fruit is a receptacle, and the parts that are sometimes mistakenly called "seeds" are achenes.

Why are strawberry seeds on the outside?

The strawberry is not classified by botanists as a true berry, because true berries (such as blueberries and cranberries) have seeds on the inside. The strawberry, however has its dry, yellow "seeds" on the outside, each of which is actually considered a separate fruit, and are regarded as the "True fruit" part of the strawberry! On average there are 200 tiny seeds on every Strawberry. The red, fleshy part of the strawberry (the part that everyone likes to eat so much) is actually the engorged end of the stem that is called the receptacle. The receptacle is the part of the stem where the petals, sepals, stamens and carpels are all attached. This is also true for traditional "fruits" such as apples and pineapples. When a fruit has so much extra material, delicious though it may be, in addition to the ovary, it is referred to as an accessory plant. The obvious reason being that the fruits are, in the case of the strawberry, the achenes, but the rest of the strawberry comes along with them.

Why aren't strawberries berries?

A berry is just is a single fleshy fruit with seeds inside. What makes a strawberry unique from the berry classification is that the actual fruits, which are informally called seeds, are on the outside. The fleshy red part itself isn't actually a fruit itself. So basically a strawberry is a group of multiple fruits.

How can you tell what is a fruit and what is a vegetable?

A fruit is the term given to the fleshy part of a plant produced by the plant as part of its seed protection/dispersal strategy.A vegetable is the term given to an edible part of a plant that is not a fruit.

What is a nutmeat?

The general term nutmeat refers to the [usually] edible portion of any nut; the kernel of the nut itself. It is often used in the plural, nutmeats. To clarify, it is not a kind of animal based fleshy meat.

Is a strawberry a vegetable?

It's actually not considered a fruit or vegetable. It's an "accessory fruit", or pseudo-fruit. The edible part (the strawberry itself) does not form from the ovary like other fruits, but from the part of the stem which holds the ovaries.A fruit, by definition would have seeds. Strawberries propagate through "shoots" the plant sends out separate from the strawberries, not through seeds.It is a fruit.

What is the edible part of broccoli called?

As long as it's washed, it's all edible. Fleshy stem, young flower buds, and younger, tender leaves as well. Larger stems may be fibrous but can be peeled with a paring knife.

Are the leaves of strawberries edible?

The leaves on a strawberry are edible- just not very pleasant. I wouldn't recomend it. Added comment from Chef John They are full of Chlorophyll and as such are very high in antioxidants. Keep them on if you are making a blenderized drink to reap all the benefits.

What are the edible part in a flower?

the part of the flower that is edible