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Q: The fluid that lines the alveoli contains a substance that reduces surface tension known as?
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The sustance that reduces surface tensin in the alveoli is?

Surfactant is a substance which lines the inside of alveoli. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer, which have hydrophyllic and hydrophobic properties. This allows it to reduce surface tension.

How are septal cells involved in keeping alveoli from collapsing?

They produce surfactant, a substance that reduces surface tension. Alveoli are very small, only 80 nanometers wide, and are flat. Therefore they have a tendency to curl up. The surfactant reduces this tendency, hence keeps the alveoli from collapsing.

Reduces the surface tension of the fluid in the alveoli?


Why do alveoli die in emphysema?

Destruction of alveoli reduces the surface area for gas exchange

What is the name of the lipid substance that coats the alveoli surface?


What is an example of an organism that benefits from reducing surface tension?

Humans benefit greatly from the work of Pulmonary surfactant which reduces the surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs. This reduction in alveolar surface tension prevents the alveoli from collapsing and thus causing suffocation.

What are surfactants?

A substance that tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved.

True or false the fluid coating the alveoli that reduces surface tension is called surfactant?

True; produced by Type II pneumocytes

Why is surfactant important in alveoli?

Surfactant reduces the surface tension within in your lungs, your alveoli have a wet surface and if surfactant were not present they would stick together causing a difficulty in expanding your thoracic cavity-so you wouldn't be able to breath without surfactant.

Why does damage to alveoli result less gaseous exchanges?

Damaged air sacs have a lower amount of air surface. This reduces the amount of gas exchanged because the larger the surface the larger the amount.

What is lubricant for?

== == It is a substance, as oil or grease, that reduces friction when applied as a surface coating to moving or working parts of a mechanism.

What is any substance that interferes with the hydrogen bonding between water molecules and reduces surface tension?

These substances are called surfactants.