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Q: The following is an excerpt from a speech given by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Which aspect of Reagan's plan to end communism is evident here?
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The following is an excerpt from a speech given by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Which aspect of Reagan's plan to end communism is evident here?

His commitment to continue military spending while seeking disarmament :) -Apex-

What was Reagan's attitude toward communism in his Evil Empire address?

Reagan's did not like communism at all. This is evident from his Evil Empire address.

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declaration of martial law

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you [should] assume the following is true

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The answer is self-evident.

What economic system did Karl Marx popularize?

In his Communist Manifesto, he argued for socialism as a realistic solution to many of the class problems evident in his society. He also assumed socialism would eventually be replaced by pure communism, but that a jump from capitalism to communism was not viable without socialism as a transfer system.

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Evident in a sentence?

A good way to think of the word EVIDENT is to think of it as "proof or obvious observable truth or falseness." Here are some sentences: "It is evident the current president is not the slickest kid on the block when he does not know what a cattle guard is and believes it is a person guarding cattle," said the reporter. The use of stealth technology has improved avoidance of being caught on radar screens so it is evident we need to continue building stealthy jets.

How can you use 'evident' in a sentence?

The truth was evident ("in plainview", "obvious", logical)

What does evident?

evident means there is evidence. example: it's evident that he was the murderer because his finger prints are on the weapon. --amanda