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Q: The food we eat provides us with the-------- we need to do work?
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Why does the plant fulfill a need for the beetle?

They like it because they can eat it or get a part of it

The best way to build muscle is to eat extra protein?

Having extra protein in your body merely provides a stockpile of fuel/food for potential muscle growth, but you need to work the muscles. Without the work, the extra protein gets you nothing.

How do crickets get energy?

The food they eat provides energy for them

Why must human being eat?

To provide the nutrients needed for our organism and to work. We need to make our systems work thus we need energy from food.

How is the food you eat connect to the energy you need?

We get the energy we need from the food we eat.

What does a plant do in a food chain?

the plant provides food for prey to eat that's where they get their energy

When you eat the food provides you with which type of energy?

Food energy, which is a special case of chemical energy.

Why do people like to eat things?

Creatures need food as a source of fuel to have energy in order to do work.

Why do cats eat food?

just like any other organism, cats need energy. eating food is the only way for cats to get energy. Without the energy that food provides the cat could not live.

Why does a bird eat the bird seed?

Not all birds eat seeds, but the ones that do eat it because it provides nourishment. (It is their food.)

How plants provide food for the fish and how the fish provides food for people?

The fish eat the plants and then the people eat the fish. It's a food chain. no its not, its the cirlce of life

Do vegan teens need multivitamins?

No, not if they get the vitamins they need from the food they eat. Yes, if they don't get the vitamins from the food they eat.