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.. have smaller masses and/or are farther apart.

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Q: The force of gravity is less between two objects that what?
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What does gravity mean in space?

"Gravity" is a force between any two objects. This specific force depends on the masses (more mass --> more force), and on the distance between the objects (more distance --> less force).

How does the distance affect the strength of the forse of gravity?

The greater the distance between two objects, the less the force of gravity.

How do the distance and mas affect the force of gravity between objects?

More distance = less gravity. More mass = more gravity.

What are objects separated by if it has less force of gravity?

To reduce the force of gravity for any given pair of objects, the objects must be at a greater distance from each other.

What is the force of attraction between two objects?

Gravity is the force of attraction between any tow objects. All objects have it and it's proportional to the mass of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.Strictly speaking, gravity only exists between two objects with mass, but since every (known) object has at least a relativistic mass, it works out to more or less the same thing.On the other hand, looking at the bigger picture . . . No mass ? No problem !You may substitute the mass of each object into the customary formula . . .F = G M1 M2 / R2and the result of the formula is the correct force, whether or not both objects have mass.

What are two factors that affect the force of gravity between two objects?

The two factors that affect the force of gravity between two objects are mass and distance. The force of gravity is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating the two objects.

The force of gravity also depends on how close an object is to?

Yes, though the force of gravity extends infinitely, it does attract far objects less than near objects.

When objects are moved further apart from each other the force of gravity does what?

In classical physics, the force of gravity between two objects is given by the following equation: F = G(Mm/(r^2)) Where F is the force, G is a number called the Universal Gravitational Constant, M and m are the masses of the two objects, respectively, and r is the distance between them. From this equation we see that F, the force is proportional to 1/(r^2). This is known as the inverse squares law. When objects are moved apart, the radius r increases and so the force of gravity decreases in accordance with the inverse square proportionality.

How does the distance between objects affect the gravity them between?

The farther apart two objects are, the less the gravitational force between them. Gravity gets weaker with distance. To be specific, it decreases by the square of the distance. If you double the distance (multiply the distance by 2), the force of gravity is 1/22 or 1/4th as great as it was. If you triple the distance, the force is 1/32 or 1/9th as great, and so on.

How does the gravitational force between 2 objects that have small masses compare to the gravitational force between large objects?

If the objects are the same distance apart (center to center), then the gravitational force between two less massive objects will be less than the gravitational force between two more massive objects.

What effect do mass and distance have on the force of gravity?

Increase mass, increase gravity. Increase distance, decrease gravity (although you never reach zero). The formula for calculating force of gravity is: Fg=(G*m1*m2)/d^2 where Fg is force of gravity, G is the universal gravity constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and d is the distance between the two objects

The distance between two objects increase what happens to the force of gravity between them?

The force changes in the direction opposite to the change in distance. More distance ==> less force, and less distance ==> more force. That's why the gravitational force between the sun and you is small, even though the sun has a lot more mass than the earth has.