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Q: The form of writing used by hammurabis scribe was called what?
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What is the form of Mesopotamians writing called?

It is called cuneform writing, Dan Bek

Where was the form of writing called cuneiform developed?

The cuneiform form of writing was developed in Sumer.

What is Egyptian writing called and how is it different from ours today?

it is called hieroglyphics. it is a form of picture writing

What was the Egyptians' writing called that used pictures to represent objects?

their writing was called hieroglyphics and it was a form of picture writing

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A written language.

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Because it was the first form of writing in Why_was_the_Sumerian_writing_system_so_significant.

In ancient Egypt writing was called?

Hyrogliphics is the earliest form of writing by the Egyptians.

System of writing invented in sumer?

The form of writing used by the Sumerians is called cuneiform.

What was the form of writing called that composed of wedge-sharped in clay tablets?

I believe it was stylus writing. The device was called a stylus.