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A volume of less-than-average density of a liquid will start to rise in the same manner as a balloon. As it rises, volumes of average density flow in below. the surrounding fluid falls to fill the volume left by the fluid flowing in underneath, and, finally the rising volume pushes fluid up and outward. This generates a circular flow which will slow to a stop once equilibrium is reached. If there is a heat source in the fluid it will continually generate lower density fluid, and the convection flow will become continuous.

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Q: The formation of convection currents is due to changes in density Density can be described as?
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What causes the formation of the two types of ocean currents?

Temperature, density, and salinity of water

The circular motion of liquids or gases due to density differences while undergoing convection is known as a convection current The transfer of what form of energy leads to convection currents?

heat energy

How does the temperature and density drive the convection currents in the mantle?

Temperature differences in the mantle drive convection currents because warm material is less dense and rises, while cooler material is more dense and sinks. This movement creates a circular flow as the cooler material sinks and gets heated, while the warmer material rises and cools down. The density variations caused by the temperature differences are a key driver of convection in the mantle.

How do convection and density currents affect earthquakes and volcanoes?

You know this site is just people telling you, you won't find this here. So go ask your teacherr(:

What makes convection currents more dense?

Basically, Density is the result of an amount of mass packed into a given space. The more mass packed into a space, the denser the object and the less mass, the less dense it is. Convection is heat transfer by fluid or liquid movement. It is found in the air (as wind) in the oceans (as currents) and in the mantle of the Earth (it affects plate movement). Warm air or water or mantle rises and is replaced by the cooler mass. In the case of the air and water, the cooler, denser air and water falls due to having more mass and gravity pulling on it. In the mantle, the cooler mantle is falling and its density allows the core's gravity to pull on it. But the deeper into the mantle, temperature increases instead of decreasing due to pressure in the outer and inner core. Density and convection work together to help keep the balance of systems in all areas of Earth's processes.

Related questions

How is destiny involved in the process of convection?

It's the change (decrease) in density with heating that produces the currents that we refer to as convection currents.

Is the heat source for the convection currents in the mantle for the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

Is heat source for the convection currents in the mantle the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

What do convection currents form?

because of differences in pressure and density in a fluid

What forms because of differences in temperature and density of a fluid?

convection currents

How do difference in air density cause convection currents?

It just happens because of the differenciation in the air density which allows the so called convection currents to occur/form. Complex I know but is the closest conclusion.

Is the heat source for the convection current in the mantle in the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

What property of hot air causes it to rise and help create convection currents?


What three factors set convection currents in motion?

The three factors that set convection currents in motion are: the heating and cooling of fluid, change in its density, and the force of gravity combine to set it in motion.

True or false Convection currents form because of differences of temp and density in a fluid?


How does differences in density cause convection currents in ocean water?

Convection occurs whenever a less dense liquid is beneath a denser liquid.

What 3 things set convection currents in motion?

The three main factors that are responsible for setting convection currents in motion are the cooling and heating of fluid, any changes to their density and the force of gravity. These factors combine to set the currents in motion.