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Q: The french days of the week are named after which planets Which one is dimanche named after?
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Why are the days of the week in french named after Roman gods?


What is the french word for Saturday and Sunday?

samedi is Saturday; dimanche is Sunday. Days of the week are not capitalized in French.

The French days of the week are named which gods?

no, it's the planets (but you are right, planets depend on the Greeks gods) Lundi -> Lune = moon Mardi -> Mars Mercredi -> Mercure = Mercury Jeudi -> Jupiter Vendredi -> Vénus = Venus Samedi -> Saturne = Saturn Dimanche -> Soleil (Dies in latin) = Sun I'm afraid you have made a mistake concerning 'Dimanche'. Obviously in English, Sunday is the day of the sun, but in French it's 'le jour du Seigneur' - the day of Our Lord -Di comes from the Latin dies, and dimanche comes from dies Dominicus.

Why are planets given similar names to the days of the week?

This might be more apparent to speakers of languages other than English. There is a closer match in French, for example. It is not that planets are named after the days of the week. Both the days of the week and the planets are named after various deities that have been influential in human thought over the centuries.

What is Bon Dimanche in English?

"Bon dimanche" means "good Sunday, have a good Sunday" Note that there is no capital letter in days' names in French.

What are the days of the month in french?

lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

How do you write the days in french?

lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

How do you write the days of the week in French?

les jours de la semaine : lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

What are the days off the week in french?

Lundi=Monday Mardi=Tuesday Mercredi=Wednesday Jeudi=Thursday Vendredi=Friday Samedi=Saturday Dimanche=Sunday

How do you spell the names of the days of the months in french?

The days of the month in French are spelled as follows: "lundi" (Monday), "mardi" (Tuesday), "mercredi" (Wednesday), "jeudi" (Thursday), "vendredi" (Friday), "samedi" (Saturday), and "dimanche" (Sunday).

How do you say Wensday in French?

"Mercredi" means "Wednesday" in French. The days of the week are as follows: Monday-Lundi Tuesday-Mardi Wednesday-Mercredi Thursday-Jeudi Friday-Vendredi Saturday-Samedi Sunday-Dimanche

How do say all the days in french?

tous les jours (les jours de la semaine : lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche)