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Q: The friction ridges seen in finger palm and foot prints are different amount various people but similar between identical twins this evidence suggest what?
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What is the coefficient of friction between a perfectly smooth body and a very rough body?

The coefficient of friction depends on the type of materials. Different pairs of materials have different cofficients of friction.

What is the use of friction board?

Friction boards are made of 4 different surface materials: cork, rubber, sandpaper, and Masonite. These boards are used to study friction between different types of material or matter. A device to measure friction.

What is an explanation of Why friction occur?

when 2 surface come into contact with each other, molecular bonds form between them. The force it takes to overcome friction is the force it takes to break those bonds. Different substances form different bonds and different numbers of bonds so the force of friction is different between different types of surfaces

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What are different types of friction?

Types of friction: 1. Kinetic friction arises between surfaces in relative motion, 2. Static friction acts between surfaces at rest with respect to each other, and 3. Rolling friction occurs when an object rolls over a surface.

Differences between identical and fraternal?

identical twins are from the same egg cell that split, but ferternal twins are from 2 entirely different fertilized egg cells. Thus identical look the same and ferternal can look entirely different.

What is different between static friction and kinetic friction?

Between any two body surfaces in contact there acts an frictional force. A friction can operate between a given pair of solids, between a solid and fluid or between a pair of fluids. There are two types of frictional forces : kinetic and static friction. When two bodies in contact move with respect to each other , rubbing the surfaces in contact the friction between them is called kinetic friction. The directions of frictional forces are such that it opposes the relative motion. Friction forces can also act between two bodies which are in contact but not moving or sliding with respect to each other. The friction in such case is static friction.

What are Different between static friction and sliding friction and rolling friction?

Friction is a force between to surfaces that resists motion. Static friction is the resistance to motion when two surfaces are not moving relative to each other. Sliding friction is the resistance to motion when two surface are sliding, one over the other. Sliding friction is less than static friction for the same two surfaces. For rolling friction an object is rolling, like a tire on a road. It's what provides traction between the two and makes the car "go." For a tire on a road, rolling friction is less than sliding friction.

What is the friction between moving particles called?

The friction between moving particles is called friction.

What percent of genetic makeup is shared by identical twins?

100%Identical twins develop from the same egg, so have the same DNA. The only thing different between identical twins is finger prints, and retinal patterns.