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Q: The gas density in an emission nebula is typically about how many particles per cc?
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Related questions

What is emission nebula?

a type of nebula

What is the difference between a emission nebula and a reflection nebula?

Emission nebula glow and reflection nebula reflect the light form other stars

What is an emission nebula?

Emission Nebula is an ionized gas cloud that shines in various colors. Its ionization is from the high energy proton released by its neighboring star.

Is a nebula a star?

a nebula is cloud of particles which forms into a star.

What is the difference between a planetery nebula and a nebula?

A cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust and planetry nebula is one of the types also called ring nebula or A planetary nebula is an emission nebula consisting of a glowing shell of gas

Are particles in the nebula attracted to one another because of gravity?

Yes, particles in the nebula attracted to one another by gravity?

Which of these is not a consequence of dust in the interstellar medium?

red light from the emission nebula

What does a nebula form from?

Dust and particles.

What is a cocoon nebulae?

The Cocoon Nebula, or IC 5146, is an emission nebula located about 4000 light years away in the constellation Cygnus.

What are examples of nebulae?

Planetary nebulae (the cat's eye nebula) Emission nebulae (the orion nebula) Dark nebulae (the horsehead nebula) Supernova remnant nebulae (the crab)

Orion is not the only nebula in space this is another one that is the name of a bird that rhymes with fawn?

The nebula you are referring to is likely the Swan Nebula, also known as the Omega Nebula. It is a famous emission nebula located in the constellation Sagittarius. The name "Swan Nebula" comes from its resemblance to a swan when viewed in certain images.

What does a nebula contain of high density?
