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Men and women apply for a spouse, if they are deemed acceptible they will be given their own dwelling and officially 'married". Then when they're ready they can apply to be get their children, which can be accepted or denied. Then the process repeats when they want another child. Once they have two children, a male and a female they are cut off and not allowed to apply to receive more children. They only get one male and one female. That is how a family unit is created. People do not have their own children, there are Birthmothers who have children.

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1mo ago

In the book "The Giver," family units are created by assigning children to parents through a matching process. The children are not biologically related to their parents, and family units are designed to maintain order and balance in the community. Children are matched based on various factors to ensure compatibility and successful upbringing.

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11y ago

1) A man or woman apply for a spouse.
2) Once given their spouse, they apply for a child
3) You must have one boy and one girl per unit (two children per unit)
4) A Birthmother gives birth to a child
5) Once cared for at the Nurturing Center, the baby is given a name and a unit.
6) For the second child, the process is repeated

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Q: The giver how are the family units created in community?
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Was the receiver allowed to have a spouse in the giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, family units are not formed through traditional marriage. While spouses are not explicitly mentioned, each adult is specifically matched with a partner by the Elders to fulfill the requirement of having children. Marriage as we know it doesn't exist in the community depicted in the book.

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In the book, "The Giver", by Lois Lowry, the ones receive their names and their family units at the Age ceremony because they are old enough to leave the nurturing center.

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What happens at the ceremony of one in The Giver?

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Why are grandparents a new idea for Jonas in te giver?

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