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20 miles away.

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Q: The great pyramids is visible from a great distance because of its massive size. name two distant places from where you can see the pyramids.?
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What were the massive tombs of Egypt called?

They are called pyramids.

The great pyramids at Giza are remarkable structures because?

they were the most massive man-made structures until the 20th century

What were partially known for their massive pyramids human sacrifices and ornate body ornaments?

The Mayans built pyramids, sacrificed humans and ornamented their bodies.

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Quasars are thought to be distant super-massive black holes.

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Massive stars are the center of a distant nebula. The massive stars are formed as the gas in the interstellar medium collapses under its own weight. The size of a nebula depends on the size of the original gas cloud.

How did slaves build the big pyramids?

The pyramids were not built by slaves. They were built by well-paid, skilled Egyptians laborers as part of a massive state construction project.

Did flowing water exist on Antarctica in the distant past?

Yes, flowing water existed on Antartica in the distant past. It is evident since there is a massive block of water in that region.

What tool was not invented when the pyramids were built?

The wheel was not yet invented when the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt. The construction of the pyramids relied on manpower, ramps, and sledges to move massive stones rather than wheeled vehicles.

Who built more pyramids and temples than any other pharaoh?

He built no pyramids but he built temples, statues of himself and a massive rock tomb. His name Ramses II.

Are there Pyramids in Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamians built ziggurats which were structures that resembled step pyramids. These step pyramids could have up to seven levels or steps and had rectangular bases. The ziggurat was a temple used to honor their gods.

Why were the pyramids shaped as a pyramid?

Pyramids were shaped as a pyramid because they were designed to symbolize the rays of the sun and their slopes facilitated the ascension of the pharaoh's soul to the heavens after death. Additionally, the geometric design provided stability to support the massive stone blocks in the structure.

Was there treasure in the pyramids?

No, there is no evidence of hidden treasure inside the Egyptian pyramids. The pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs, containing their belongings and sometimes statues and objects meant for the afterlife. Archaeologists have found various artifacts and riches inside the pyramids, but they were not massive treasures in the conventional sense.