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What canal

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Q: The greatest obstacle to the workers digging the canal?
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What obstacle was encountered while digging the canal?

naked tribes-men and women

The digging of what canal allowed New York City to become America's greatest city?

The Erie Canal

What was bad about the Suez Canal?

Over 2.4 million Egyptian workers were involved in the digging of the Suez Canal; over 125,000 lost their lives during the construction.

What were the two main problems that workers had in digging the Erie Canal?

The two problems were that it took 8 years to build it and the workers did not have the kinds of machines we have today . They used picks and shovels. And the workers were paid about 80 cents a day to a dollar a day..

Was the Bubonic plague the biggest health obstacle during building the Panama Canal?

It is estimated that around 27 500 workers died in the construction of the Panama Canal. The Bubonic plague accounted for some of them, but malaria and yellow fever were far more prevalent, and killed considerably more workers.

What was the obstacle preventing the canal from being built in Panama?

Well there was diseases comming from mosqitos ,rain and mud which was hard to get out of,poisnist snakes,and it was about 120 degrees... I Hope i helped :D There was also lots of rocks that needed to be moved which eventually got moved by hand or machine!

What were the physical obstacles were faced when they built the panama canal?

Obstacles might include mudslides, passing through a mountain range, different levels of land and lakes, diseases that affected workers, and the opposition of the Colombian government to the presence of the United States in the region. Engineers had to build a dam, design and build locks, and remove huge amounts of earth and rock. A medical obstacle is that scientists had to develop vaccines and medications to treat the disease malaria that affected many workers. A political obstacle was that the government of Colombia did not allow the United States to build the canal. The United States helped Panama revolt against Columbia, and Panama gave the United States the permission it needed.

What were the geographical conditions that made building the Panama canal difficult?

The landscape was very difficult by means of digging. Another big issue was the bugs (mosquitoes) were everywhere and all over workers.

Who oversaw the digging of the Suez canal?

Ferdinand de Lesseps

How was the grand canal built?

by digging trenches and connecting the rivers

What year did the digging of the Erie Canal begin?

Building of the Erie Canal began on July 4, 1817.

What year did you finish digging the Pananma Canal?

August 15, 1914