


Panama Canal

A ship canal crossing the Isthmus of Panama in the Canal Zone and connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean.

1,112 Questions

Is the Panama Canal north or south of the equator?

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The Panama Canal is mostly north of the equator. It extends from about 8 degrees north latitude to 9 degrees north latitude.

What was true about the Panama Canal?

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It greatly reduced the time required for ships traveling from the eastern to the western United States. It also saved travel time for ships of all nations. To get to either the Pacific or Atlantic oceans became a shorter trip than traveling around the southern tip of Argentina.

Who were the primary workers on the Panama Canal?

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The primary workers on the Panama Canal were laborers from the Caribbean, particularly from countries like Barbados, Jamaica, and Martinique. Many of these workers were brought to Panama by the French and later the US to help with the construction of the canal. Indigenous people from Panama were also employed on the project.

What are the negative effects of the Panama Canal?

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Some negative effects of the Panama Canal include environmental impacts such as habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, and water pollution. Additionally, there have been concerns about social issues such as displacement of communities and labor rights violations in the construction and operation of the canal.

What physical geographic factors made building the Panama Canal difficult?

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The location of the canal made it difficult to build because of its distance from the countries buliding it.

How did geography influence the building of the panama canal?

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The geography of Panama, with its narrow isthmus between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, made it an ideal location for building a canal to connect the two bodies of water. The natural landscape provided a shorter and more efficient route for ships traveling between the east and west coasts. Additionally, the presence of the Panama Canal Zone, a strip of land controlled by the United States for canal construction, allowed for greater control over the project.

Where is the Panama Canal's relative location?

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The Panama Canal is located in Central America, connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It runs through the country of Panama, connecting the cities of Colón on the Atlantic side and Panama City on the Pacific side.

What is the ecological role of paramecium in canal water?

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Paramecium in canal water serve as a food source for larger organisms like fish and invertebrates. They also help regulate the population of bacteria and algae through grazing, contributing to the overall balance of the aquatic ecosystem.

What is another name for a mud slide?

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Another name for a mudslide is a debris flow. It is a type of fast-moving landslide made up of a mixture of water, rock, and soil that flows down a slope.

What natural disaster commemorated on a stamp at the time occured in nicargaua during the debate over where to build the panama canal?

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The eruption of the Mount Pelée volcano in Martinique in 1902 is the natural disaster commemorated on a stamp issued by Nicaragua at that time. The eruption brought attention to the risks of building the Panama Canal in an area prone to such catastrophic events.

Is it false that the Panama Canal is located on a longitude of approximately 80 degrees W?

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No, it is true that the Panama Canal is approximately located on a longitude of 80 degrees W.

How did the finding yellow fever in Cuba affect the building of the Panamal Canal?

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The discovery of yellow fever in Cuba led to the understanding that the disease was transmitted by mosquitoes, prompting the implementation of mosquito control measures in Panama during the construction of the Panama Canal. This ultimately helped to reduce the spread of yellow fever and allowed for the successful completion of the canal.

At which end of panama Canal is the pacific ocean?

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The Pacific Ocean end of the Panama Canal is located on the western side near Panama City. The canal allows ships to travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean (or vice versa) by passing through a series of locks and channels.

Which state in the US is closest to the Panama Canal?

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The state in the US closest to the Panama Canal is Florida. The southern tip of Florida is about 880 miles from the Panama Canal.

What is the latitude and longitude of Panama Canal?

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The Panama Canal is located at approximately 9.0765° N latitude and 79.6532° W longitude.

Seattle is located on what large inland body of water?

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Seattle is located on the shores of Puget Sound, which is a large inlet of the Pacific Ocean.

What is the largest inland body of water of North America?

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The largest inland body of water in North America is the Great Salt Lake located in the state of Utah. It covers an area of around 1,700 square miles and is known for its high salinity levels.

Is the panama canal zone part of the us?

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No, the Panama Canal Zone is not part of the United States. It was a territory governed by the United States between 1903 and 1979 under the terms of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. The control of the Panama Canal Zone was transferred back to Panama in 1979.

What is the weather like at the Panama Canal during November and December?

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During November and December, the weather at the Panama Canal is typically warm and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 75°F to 88°F. It is the end of the rainy season, so there may still be occasional showers or thunderstorms, but overall it is a good time to visit with mild weather conditions.

What cuts across isthmus in Central America?

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The Panama Canal cuts across the isthmus in Central America, providing a shortcut for ships traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What isthmus connects North America and South America?

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The isthmus that connects North America and South America is the Isthmus of Panama. It is a narrow strip of land that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, creating a land bridge between the two continents.

Panama time zone?

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Panama is in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone. However, during daylight saving time, Panama observes Eastern Standard Time (EST) +1, making it Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

What is the weather in Tallinn in December?

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In December, Tallinn typically experiences cold temperatures ranging from -5°C to 0°C. It is also common to see snowfall during this month, making for a winter wonderland setting in the city. Pack warmly if you plan to visit Tallinn in December.

When is the best time weather-wise to take a South Pacific cruise?

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The best time weather-wise to take a South Pacific cruise is during the dry season, which typically runs from May to October. This period offers warm temperatures, calm seas, and minimal rainfall, providing optimal conditions for a cruise experience.