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The Joyful Mysteries. The full set is: The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Nativity, The Presentation, and The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple.

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Q: The group of Mysteries of the Rosary that includes the Nativity is?
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Which one of the rosaries do you say at a funeral?

In the "good old days" it was common for the mourners to pray the rosary in common for the repose of the soul of the deceased. For the past 25 years (+ -- Vat II) since my ordination, a "wake service" to include scripture readings, prayers for the deceased and mourners is most common. From my experience, when a rosary is requested few, if any, of the mourners recite it.

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Bowling pins dimes (dollar) years (decade) rosary beads (also decades)

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If you are looking for friendship try 1. Joining a group in your Church- Bible Study, Youth Group, Rosary Circle 2. Getting a job with people your age 3. Volunteering

What Catholic religious group is the rosary associated with?

The Rosary is associated with Catholicism as a whole. It's most famous promoters have always been the Dominicans. When St. Dominic went to preach to the Albigensian heretics in southern France, he was having no success. In despair he prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help with these heretics, and she gave him the Rosary. It was during this period that he established the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans) (1215) in order to devote themselves to the conversion of heretics.

How did the rosary began?

The rosary is said whenever you want to say it! It is a form of contemplative prayer which means that if you are new to the practice you should try and pray it in an area where you can quiet and focus your mind. Some people who recite the rosary say it for a special intention. For an example, whenever I pray the rosary I add at the end "I dedicate this rosary to all those struggling with addictions". You can dedicate it to whatever cause but in the end, one does not need a clear cut time and place to pray the rosary!

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The main characters in "The Lucky Lottery" by Ron Roy are cousins Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. They form a group called the "A to Z Mysteries" and solve mysteries together.

Can the Divine Praises usually recited during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament be included in other prayers sessions?

Yes. It can be used in private meditation (with rosary beads as accompaniment), or in a group.

Which group includes the halogens and which elements are in that group?

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