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move on. Let him know he hurt you in a major way. Tell him he either needs to apologize like the guy that you know would or he can go back to his bad ways and never end up with a life. If he doesn't apologize move on even if it's hard. If he does apologize give it some time to mend you heart. Hope this helps <3

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Q: The guy I like broke my heart. What can I do?
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Do you forgive a guy who broke your heart?

Only if you really like that guy, but if he broke your heart many, many times then turns out he is probally just taking advantage of you.. But if he is a nice guy and not a jerk then you should(:

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I don't get this. but no. she broke your heart. that's different.

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first he already broke your heart so why let him do it again stay away from him and keep him in the past if you go back to him he will just use you for one thing he will say anything to keep getting it also do not believe him!!!!!!! at all period . stay away from him or you will get walked on over and over.

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ou tell himu regret breaking up with and tell him u love him

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Say no I don't want my heart broken again

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i like this one guy a lot but you know he broke my fragile little heart don't waste your time one him/her unless your in love and no sex till marriage okay :)

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No , because he wants to get to know you and be his son friend not his daughter -in-law. so dont get your emotions mixed because your heart is going to get broke .

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follow your heart

What does it mean if a guy says im giving you my heart as a present?

That he was broke and he could not afford a present. Move on.

You like this guy but?

but what? follow your heart

How do you say you broke my heart in spanish?

u broke my heart is like rompiste mi coraz&oacute;n

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There is a possibility that she loves him, even though he did break her heart. Girls don't see straight when they love someone. All they can think about is that guy. But, if the guy seriously broke her heart, then she may just be in shock and doesn't want to let him go.