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My doctor had told me if it goes up and down,and up and down it could be an ectopic pregnancy. if it keeps dropping you could have a miss carriage but a nurse told me that she had seen the up and down be o.k. once in a great while so don't give up hope but please get checked if it in the tube your tube could blow up go to a fertility doctor that is your best bet to save your tube.

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15y ago

It is possible you are pregnant, still. But a drop in HCG levels usually means that the pregnancy will not continue. Not all miscarriages have pain. And it is possible for it to take up to three weeks before your body "rids" itself of the tissue it has built up. Have faith, and retest in a couple of days. It could be all good. You are still pregnant hun because your HCG is 369. Your only NOT pregnant when your HCG is below 5. You need to have another blood test and a ultrasound scan.

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Q: Hgc level was 653 Went back a week later it was 369 No pains or bleeding can the baby still be alive?
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How soon will you feel sharp pains if you're pregnant?

No, any cramps or bleeding while pregnant is abnormal and usually the sign of a miscarriage. If this occurs during a pregnancy go to the hospital straight away.

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You could have had an incomplete miscarriage or have an infection. Contact your Dr immediately.

What are the signs of miscarriage?

Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping == == This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains - a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pains kick in. Also be aware that this bleeding does not necessarily mean you will miscarry - I have always had bleeding in pregnancy and it has gone both ways.If the bleeding does continue to the stage of being an 'inevitable' miscarriage, then expect quite strong pains and an increase in the amount of blood loss. Clots - sometimes quite large - can be lost. Occasionally you may see the baby, which sounds scary but isn't so bad when it comes to it.

What are signs of miscarriage?

Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping == == This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains - a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pains kick in. Also be aware that this bleeding does not necessarily mean you will miscarry - I have always had bleeding in pregnancy and it has gone both ways.If the bleeding does continue to the stage of being an 'inevitable' miscarriage, then expect quite strong pains and an increase in the amount of blood loss. Clots - sometimes quite large - can be lost. Occasionally you may see the baby, which sounds scary but isn't so bad when it comes to it.

What does it mean when bleeding last for a week with severe pains?

You have Ebola. You should get that checked.

What are Implantation pains?

from my experience, implantation pains can vary from woman to woman, from being a sharp pain to a dull ache. And not all women get implantation bleeding!

Why would you have period pain but no bleeding?

you may be coming on i usually get period pains a few days before i start to bleed and then get none when i am bleeding

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Brown spotting with pains in your belly button can be caused by many things. You could have internal bleeding or cancer for example.

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No, this is normal. It is pains from your uterus stretching. If you notice any bleeding though, go and see your doctor or midwife

How do you know if the baby is dead at 9 weeks without bleeding but have sharp pains in your stomach?

You go to your doctor and get an ultrasound.

Are period pains and pregnancy pains the same?

Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

Is it normal to have severe back pain at 9 weeks?

No. You should see your doctor for any pains or bleeding you have during pregnancy.