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Q: The history of roman called the aeneid was written by who?
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Aeneas is a Greek hero How does he relate to Roman history?

The Aeneid was written by a Roman author, Virgil. In the story Aeneid was told that he was destined to found Rome.

Who was the ruler of the Roman Empire when Aeneid was written?

Augustus was the ruler of the Roman Empire when the Aeneid was written. In fact, he specially commissioned Virgil to write it.

Who wrote the great roman epic Aeneid?

The Aeneid was written by Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

What epic poem represents a history of the founding of the Roman empire?

"The Aeneid" by Virgil is an epic poem that represents a history of the founding of the Roman empire. It follows the journey of Aeneas, a Trojan hero, as he flees the city of Troy and eventually settles in Italy where he becomes the ancestor of the Romans.

Who wrote the poem called the Aeneid?

The history of Rome called The Aeneid was written by Virgil.The Aeneid was written by Publius Vergilius Maro, known to us simply as Vergil, sometimes spelled Virgil.

Who is Odysseus from Rome?

The Aeneid by Virgil is often called a Roman counterpart of the Odyssey.

How did Virgil influence human history?

He was the Roman poet who wrote The Aeneid or w/e which taught us about the life and myths about the Roman's lives.

Epic roman poem?


Roman version of The Odyssey?

the aeneid

Why is The Aeneid important?

Its imprtant because

Why was the Aeneid categorized into satires?

The Aeneid is not categorized as satires. It is an epic poem written by the Roman poet Virgil, and it falls under the genre of epic poetry. The Aeneid follows the journey of Aeneas, a Trojan hero, as he travels to Italy and establishes the foundations of what will become Rome.

What is the first name and pen name of the writer of Aeneid?

Roman names don't work the same way that English names do. Most Romans had three names (at least, the men did) with the first name being what their close friends called them, and their middle name being what they went by most of the time.The Roman national poem the Aeneid was written by Publius Vergilius Maro - who is usually called Vergilin modern English.