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It depends on how severe the damage is.

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Q: The house was damaged by the tornado but it could be repaired?
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What is the conjunction in this sentence The house was damaged by the tornado but it could be repaired.?

The conjunction is "but."

What is the conjunction in this sentence The house was damaged by the tornado but it could be repaired?

"but" If you can take the word out and replace it with a full stop or a semi colon, it is a conjunction.

What happens if a tornado is close to your house?

There is a good chance that your house will be damaged by high winds and debris.

What if there is no homeowners insurance and the house is taken by a tornado?

If you had no insurance then you're out of luck. You'll just have to buy a new house or try to rebuild or repair the one that was damaged by the tornado.

How can Bernoulli's principle be used to predict how a house may be damaged in a tornado?

The wind going over the roof of the house creates an upward pressure force that, in a strong enough tornado, can actually lift the roof from the house.

What do you do after a tornado?

Say " YES, I'M ALIVE"!make sure everything is OK if your house didn't get damaged by the tornado stay inside don't touch downed power lines they can shock you leave fluids alone and don't go in a damaged house or building until it is safe hope this helps

If there is a tornado will a sod house collapse?

It depends on how strong the tornado is. A sod house could probably survive a hit from a weak tornado, but probably nothing stronger than an EF1 or EF2.

When was House Tornado created?

House Tornado was created in 1988.

What is a safe tornado house?

No house can offer 100% protection from a tornado. The best option is a house with a basement to go to in case of a tornado.

What is loss of use?

An example of "loss of use" : if your house burns, and you have to rent an apartment or another house to live in while your damaged home is being repaired or rebuilt. If you have the right home owner insurance, they will pay for your "loss of use" by reimbursing the rent you had to pay while waiting for your home to be repaired or rebuilt.

Do mobile homes attract tornadoes?

No, they do not. Mobile homes are often shown after a tornado because they are more easily damaged than a house on a concrete foundation. Mobiles are usually only held in place by steel cables, which are no match for a tornado.

What did the house ever do to a tornado?

The house is invading the tornado's natural habitat, so of course the tornado will fight to keep its territory.