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The ice sheet exceeds 1500 meters in both of these ice sheets, with the Arctic ice sheet referring to the Greenland Ice Sheet.

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Q: The ice sheet is approximately 1500 meters thick in the Arctic or Antarctica?
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Related questions

Are both the Arctic and Antarctica continents?

No, only Antarctica is considered a continent. The Arctic is an ocean region covered by sea ice and surrounded by North America, Europe, and Asia.

Why is the summer not very warm in Antarctica?

Antarctica is a polar climate, and is not warm, nor is the Arctic climate warm: it is also polar. Antarctica is about 30 degrees colder than the Arctic, because it is a continent and the Arctic polar climate is dominated by frozen sea ice. Antarctica is sometimes called earth's 'heat sink'. Antarctica covers about 10% of the earth's surface and 98% of it is covered with an ice sheet. The ice sheet contains about 90% of all the ice on earth and about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

Is it colder in the Antarctic then arctic?

Yes, it is colder, by about 30 degrees F. Why? Antarctica is a continent covered with ice. The Arctic ice simply freezes over sea water. The ice area in the Arctic is significantly smaller than the ice sheet that covers Antarctica.

By how many degrees Celsius Antarctica is colder than Arctic?

Because the Antarctic continent is a land mass covered with an ice sheet, and the Arctic is simply frozen sea ice, Antarctica is about -1 degree C (30 degrees F) colder than the Arctic.

How much of antarctica surface is covered in ice?

Approximately 98% of Antarctica's surface is covered in ice.

Why is Antarctica coldest of the polar regions?

Antarctica is a continent covered -- 98% -- by an ice sheet and is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic, which is covered by sea ice and no land.

What is the Arctic and Antarctica?

The Arctic and the Antarctic are the Earth's Polar regions. The Arctic is a floating ice sheet, Antactica is a continent of approximately 14,000,000 sq km. with an Ice Sheet consisting of about 13.72 million sq km of permanent ice representing 90% of the world's ice. The polar regions are defined as - The Antarctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes S latitude. The Arctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes N latitude. The Antarctic is about 30 degrees colder than the Arctic, because of there being a continent there.

How is fresh water abtained in antarctica?

use fuel and burn the snow into a liquid texture

What percentage sheet of ice does the Antarctica Ice sheet hold?

The ice sheet holds 100% of Antarctica's . . . ice sheet.

Does the north or south pole have land under it?

The south pole has the landmass of Antarctica, while the North Pole is on deep sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean.

Do both the Arctic and Antarctic contain salt water or fresh water?

The Arctic ocean, and the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica, are both salt water. The ice sheet that covers 98% of the continent of Antarctica holds about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

Is it true that the Arctic Circle does not get as cold as Antarctica?

Yes, on average. Antarctica is a continent 98% of which is covered by an ice sheet containing about 70% of the earth's fresh water and about 90% of the earth's ice. The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude that runs through the northern areas of several continents, and through sea water.