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"We the People of the United States"

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Q: The idea of popular sovereignty is most related to which of the following statements from the preamble of the US Constitution?
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Where do we see an example of popular sovereignty in the preamble of the constitution?

No. The preamble states nothing about it.

Which American ideal is expressed in the preamble of the US Constitution?

The preamble of the Constitution is the explanation of what the Constitution is about and tells the main points of it.

Which provisions in the constitution ensure popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty refers to a political doctrine which states that governmental powers resides in the people. The Preamble ensures popular sovereignty.

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Popular sovereignty in the articles of the constitution?

Popular sovereignty is the concept of government based on the consent of the people. It is expressed in the Preamble and Articles 1, 5, and 7.

What was the success of the constitution?

to save the whales when they are in danger and to feed the animals marshmellow. these statements are in the preamble..

What words were added in the preamble of the constitution of India by the 42 amendment?

which of the following words was added into preamble of the constitution by the 42nd amendment act 1976

Which of the following among the purpses of government outlined in the preamble to the constitution?


Why did the founding fathers include the preamble to the constitution?

It outlined the purpose of the following documents.

How is the sovereignty demonstrated in the preamble?


What is the first paragraph on the constitution called?

The preamble to the constitution.

Is preamble a part of constitution?

Constitution is the instruction book how things work. This is a set of laws, rules and regulations, which, if now followed can make one eligible to be sued. While preamble is just a introduction for our constitution, and not actually any law or rule. What i logically conclude is preamble is not a part of our constitution. The following link gives every article of constitution but there is no preamble in it.